
Truth and Reconciliation Commission will impact confidence: Kumar

September 14, 2023 6:17 am

Establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission gives a signal to the world that we have some serious issues, says Opposition Member of Parliament Premila Kumar.

While speaking in Parliament, Kumar claims that this will have a negative impact on investor and consumer confidence, as well as the economy.

Kumar says one of the main threats to establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission is the danger of political manipulation.

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She claims that the government might use it to selectively investigate their political opponents while protecting their own interests, which can undermine the impartiality and credibility of such a commission.

“The Truth and Reconciliation Commission often relies on voluntary testimony, which means that not all individuals with relevant information may come forward. Some perpetrators may choose not to testify, leading to an incomplete picture of the truth. Witnesses may be afraid to speak openly out of fear of reprisals.”

However, Deputy Prime Minister Professor Biman Prasad says this is political maturity; as members of parliament, they are ready to talk about what happened in the past.

“This will be a defining moment for the country; this will spur confidence and bring a sense of freedom and exuberance to our country’s ability to confront the issues that we might have.”

Prasad says establishing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is not about opening old wounds.

Assistant Minister for Women Sashi Kiran moved a motion in parliament for the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission by the government.

Kiran says this will facilitate open and free engagement in truth-telling and confront fears in view of conflicting statements and utterances regarding motives behind the political upheavals so that closure and healing for Fiji are achieved.