
Transition of waste pickers into formal jobs

March 11, 2024 11:55 am

The Pacific Recycling Foundation plans to employ collection pillars of recycling (CPR), formerly known as waste pickers, into formal green jobs.

Founder Amitesh Deo says with more individuals engaging in recycling, a facility for green jobs for CPRs can be set up.

“As more of you start recycling, we will be able to generate more volume of recyclables, justifying our need to create local recycling facilities or upcycling where we can transition CPRs into green jobs.”

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While acknowledging that not all waste pickers may be inclined to pursue formal employment, Deo notes that the facility will primarily target women.

Deo explains women are actively seeking income to support their families but face barriers to securing formal employment, including issues related to education and stigma.