
Seruiratu accuses Prasad for misleading parliament

September 16, 2023 12:44 pm

Opposition Leader Inia Seruiratu claims that Deputy Prime Minister Professor Biman Prasad

Opposition Leader Inia Seruiratu claims that Deputy Prime Minister Professor Biman Prasad misled parliament by insinuating that former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama misused funds.

Seruiratu was referring to the matter relating to the refurbishment of the Prime Minister’s residence.

The opposition leader says the PM’s residence was not and is not owned by Bainimarama and belongs to the state.

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He claims that any upgrade, renovation, remedial work, or maintenance is for the benefit of the asset, the owner, which is the state, the government, and the country.

Seruiratu further says Biman is either deliberately or blatantly misleading the public or is too obtuse to understand this basic idea.

Earlier this week, Prasad revealed in Parliament that $3.5 million in taxpayers’ money was used to renovate the PM’s residence when it was occupied by Bainimarama.

He also revealed that the contractor was Grace Road.

The Deputy Prime Minister also informed parliament that when Bainimarama moved out, there was no furniture left, and there was no register with the government as there was an assumption that the furniture was owned by the former Prime Minister.

We have sent questions to the Deputy Prime Minister.