
Radrodro a backbencher: PM

January 30, 2024 6:33 am

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka (left), SODELPA party member Aseri Radrodro

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has made his decision, stating that Aseri Radrodro will now serve as a backbencher.

In an exclusive interview with FBC News, Rabuka emphasized that this decision is final.

The Prime Minister confirmed that Radrodro visited his residence this morning to offer an apology.

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Rabuka acknowledged accepting Radrodro’s apology but emphasized that, as Prime Minister, he sometimes has to make tough calls.

“On the vanua side, everything is clean now. On the government side the effect of disobedience and insubordination will have to be borne by the Hon. Former Minister.”

Rabuka says that, for the meantime, Radrodro will be a backbencher but will be involved in certain areas of governance.

“While he is in the backbench he will be given the opportunity to make use of the almost 10 years of experience, eight years as a member of opposition and also one year as a member of cabinet to participate in the debate and particularly the work of the committees, he could be called to perform in while he is out of cabinet.”

The Prime Minister views this as a win-win situation for all and calls on every member of the cabinet to learn from what transpired.

Rabuka says he is acting as the guardian of the interests of the people in the cabinet.