
Rabuka meets EU Ambassador to the Pacific

January 19, 2024 9:53 am

Ambassador of the EU to the Pacific, Her Excellency Barbara Plinkert (left), Prime Minister Honourable Sitiveni Rabuka [Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has reaffirmed Fiji’s commitment to further strengthen collaboration with the European Union.

He made the commitment during a courtesy call from the Ambassador of the EU to the Pacific, Barbara Plinkert.

Discussions at the meeting focused on the upcoming EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum and the review of the EU-Pacific cooperation under the S.A.M.O.A Agreement.

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The Prime Minister shared that the agreement has provided duty-free and quota-free access for Fiji’s exports to the EU market.

Rabuka reiterated that Government remains steadfast in its pursuit of economic sustainability, good governance and addressing global issues.

Ambassador Plinkert thanked the Prime Minister for the opportunity to meet and discuss issues of common interest and areas for further collaboration.