
Police raise alarm over rising drug cases involving minors

April 19, 2024 3:36 pm

The Police Force has reported a concerning trend of increasing illicit drug cases with a notable rise in the involvement of minors.

According to Acting Police Commissioner Juki Fong Chew the Force recorded a total of 526 arrests related to drug offenses during the first quarter of the year.

Among these arrests, 13 individuals were under 18- years- old, highlighting a troubling pattern of youth engagement in drug-related activities.

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Chew emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue by implementing proactive measures to raise awareness in schools, media, and communities.

He says the Force reported a significant increase in drug-related cases compared to the previous year.

In March alone, 160 drug-related cases were recorded, marking a 67 percent surge from the same period in the previous year.

He adds they recorded 160 drug related cases last month presenting a significant increase of 67 percent compared to 96 case for the same period last year.

He notes that of the total 160 drug cases, the majority, comprising 151 cases, were related to the unlawful possession of illicit drugs and an additional eight cases were related to the unlawful cultivation of illicit drugs, and one case on unlawful transfer and supply of illicit drugs.

Chew adds that 28 cases were associated with methamphetamine, two cases related to cocaine while the remaining 130 cases were related to the unlawful possession or cultivation of marijuana.