
Navuso Village declared fire safe

January 2, 2024 11:14 am

[Source: Supplied]

Navuso Village in Naitasiri has been declared a fire-safe community following the graduation of 24 villagers under the National Fire Authority’s Community Fire Wardens program.

Addressing the newly commissioned fire wardens, Assistant Roko Tui Naitasiri Jona Navunitaria reminded them of their duty and key role in ensuring the timely delivery of NFA services.

Navunitaria expressed concern about the increasing incidents of property fires and urged the wardens to serve the community and the nation with total dedication and commitment.

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Chief Fire Officer Qionilau Moceitai emphasized the crucial role of fire wardens in the village, highlighting their responsibility to prevent fires in their village and surroundings.

Moceitai stated that the wardens should use their newly acquired knowledge to identify fire hazards, correct them, or make recommendations to the homeowners for rectification.

He also informed the wardens that during Tropical Cyclones or floods affecting the village, their role is to provide early warnings and evacuate villagers at the right time.

NFA officers will visit the village every three months to conduct refresher training sessions and address any issues that may arise.