
Fiji acknowledges Chinese community's contributions

February 11, 2024 12:23 pm

As the Chinese community in Fiji ushered in the Lunar New Year, Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica expressed optimism for a strengthened and flourishing relationship between Fiji and China.

Speaking at the Chinese New Year celebrations at the Yat Sen School Hall, Kamikamica emphasized Fiji’s gratitude for China’s unwavering support.

He says China is not only a good friend but also a valuable source of learning and inspiration.

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“This year of a dragon I’m certain our relations will soar to greater heights for the development of our collective peoples. Fiji is also grateful to the Chinese community in Fiji for its contribution to the development of Fiji through businesses and investments in the Fijian economy.”

Echoing this sentiment, Fiji’s Ambassador to China, Robert Lee, emphasized ongoing efforts to shape the relationship between the two countries, prioritizing the interests of their people and upholding national sovereignty.

Lee says they envision a broad and comprehensive partnership encompassing development, improved livelihoods, trade, investment, tourism, education, agriculture, infrastructure, and people-to-people exchanges.