
Students and parents celebrate Year 13 results

January 11, 2024 4:43 pm

Saint Thomas High School student Zara Smith smiles with satisfaction as she embraces her results

Heartwarming scenes unfolded outside the Examination Unit of the Education Ministry today as excited parents and their children gathered by the hundreds to eagerly receive their Year 13 results.

Smiles, high fives and hugs were exchanged creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.

The majority of students conveyed their contentment with their academic performance, radiating happiness as they look forward to the next chapter of their journey into university life.

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In the midst of the jubilant crowd was Baseva Volai from Wainunu in Bua who during her brief visit to Suva proudly collected her grandson’s examination results.

“This exam result will open up doors for my grandson and this has always been my dream.”

Overwhelmed with emotion, Volai celebrated her grandson’s achievement emphasizing his dual role as the Head boy of Ratu Luke Secondary School and his aspiration to become an engineer.

“All parents should be proud of their children’s achievements and whatever outcome they receive, they should that it’s not the end of the road.”

Saint Thomas High School student Zara Smith shared in the collective joy particularly highlighting her satisfaction with the results of her English paper.

“I’m very happy and I’m so thankful to the Lord, my family and everyone, I’m just very happy right now.”

Meanwhile, Soheel Ali, a student from Suva Muslim College expressed dissatisfaction with his marks and initiated a recount.

“I just came for a remark for some of my papers. I’m planning to study MBBS but if it’s not that then I’ll go for another medical study.”

Ali harbours aspirations of joining the Bachelor of Medicine Program.

The Education Ministry reported an impressive 90 per cent pass rate for Year 13 students last year.