
Do not leave title vacant for long: Tudravu

March 18, 2023 4:38 pm

Rusiate Tudravu

The Vanua o Rara o Nakelo has been urged by the Tailevu Provincial Council not to leave its chiefly title vacant for long.

While speaking at the funeral service of the late Tui Nakelo, na Vunivalu Ratu Timoci Namela yesterday, Chair Rusiate Tudravu says this is crucial as it will ensure the smooth running of the vanua.

Tudravu says it is also significant because the 14 villages of Nakelo need a leader to lead them forward.

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“I am hoping that the position will be filled before the next provincial council meeting.”

Tudravu says vacant chiefly titles are an issue within the province, and the Tailevu Provincial Council is working with the relevant districts within the province to address the issue.