
SOLE to manage and maximize financial resources

January 13, 2023 6:10 am

In an effort to counter the lack of substantial capital or savings amongst Fijians, a local software developer has designed a social financial platform to help people manage and maximize their financial resources.

SOLE is a software dedicated to assist people to budget their finances, build their savings reserve and to spend with purpose.

Founder, Semi Tukana says SOLE encourages Fijians to be financially disciplined.

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“We are trying to introduce some enforced financial discipline into our lives. We need to change, times have moved on. We need to start building up our capital and our reserves. The best way for us to do that is for us to have a tool, rather than continuing with our financial literacy programmes which has been going for the past three decades. We haven’t shown much progress on that front. This is the tool to allow the financial literacy programmes to materialize.”

He says the software provides fast, safe and reliable financial support.

SOLE has been in operation for the past three months and has plans to expand their services to other countries in the Pacific.