
Ministry notes positive market indicators

September 9, 2023 4:36 pm


Market indicators suggest that the price at which sugar will be sold is expected to be higher than in previous years.

Minister Charan Jeath Singh says the sale price of sugar this year looks promising, which means that the farmers could be paid more than $85 per tonne.

Singh says that, as the government, they would like to see that the mills are all brought back to efficiency to increase production.

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Sugar Minister, Minister Charan Jeath Singh.

The sugar minister says the government is eager to ensure that the industry returns to its previous levels of success.

“The sale price of sugar this year looks very promising, which means that the farmers could be paid more than $85 per ton. But that all is done and said after the sale of sugar. But from the indications that we get, the price of sugar that will be sold will be far better than in previous years.”

Singh says they are looking at a few companies that are keen to be part of the Fiji Sugar Corporation.

Fiji Sugar Corporation.

He adds that they can then get them to invest in new machines and technologies.