
Chance for boxers to improve rankings

May 27, 2024 6:46 am

Asia Pacific Coordinator and Supervisor Simon Naushad says that hosting the WBF Asia-Pacific Cruiserweight Championship title fight in the country presents a significant opportunity for our local boxers to improve their personal rankings in the boxing arena.

Former titleholder Savenaca Naliva is set to fight Sebastion Singh for this title next month at the Bluewater Boxing Promotions event.

Naushad says that while local titles are typically contested, this championship bout will provide both boxers with a chance to shine on a larger stage.

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“In other words this title can always be contested for in Fiji for example if you have an opponent. So right now we have an Australian-Asia title that was brought to Fiji a few years back where James Singh, Jese Ravudi and Ronald Naidu have also won these title.”

Naushad, who will be supervising the bout between Naliva and Singh, says this is a great opportunity for Fiji Boxing as it is one of the highest-ranking belts.

The Bluewater Boxing Promotion will be held on the 22nd of next month in Suva.