
Fiji Babaas stamps mark on opening day

January 12, 2024 10:08 am

[ Source : Fiji Rugby /Faceboook]

The Fiji Babaas side breezed through its opening pool games in the Fiji Bitter Yalovata Lomaiviti 7s at Nasau Park in Levuka yesterday.

The shadow national 7s side hammered Police Levuka 32-0 before defeating Flame Tree Colo-i-Suva 19-7.

The Filipe Sauturaga-led side will face Police White in its last pool game at 12:48 pm today.

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The elimination rounds will kick off at 1:36 pm.

Teams such as the Fiji Babaas, Army and Yalovata are participating in the three-day tournament as a build-up to the McDonald’s Fiji Coral Coast 7s, which kicks off next Thursday at Lawaqa Park.