
Todd eyes Daunakamakama for Olympic Games qualifier

January 8, 2024 12:42 pm

The Fiji Amateur Boxing Association is hoping to include one female athlete in its squad for an Olympic Games qualifying tournament in Thailand this year.

National coach Cam Todd says he wants to send 19-year-old Jasmine Daunakamakama to join the four male boxers he took to last year’s Pacific Games for the Olympic qualifiers.

“Probably look at taking one elite female as well, who was too young to go to the Pacific Games so we are probably looking at four to five boxers to have a chance to qualifier. It will be difficult but it’s also going to give them extra experience and exposure leading into the Oceania Games which are in Fiji this year and also the Commonwealth Games.”

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[19-year-old Jasmine Daunakamakama]

Todd says if Daunakamakama makes the cut, she will join male boxers Aminiasi Saratibau, Jone Davule, Elia Rokobuli and Nehal Chand in taking on some of the best athletes from around the world.

[National coach Cam Todd]

The national coach says the boxers only need to maintain their number one ranking in the country to participate at the Olympic Games qualifiers in May.