
Minister emphasizes on menstrual hygiene

May 30, 2023 6:06 am

Women and girls in rural and remote communities, those living in poverty, and those with disabilities still encounter difficulties in maintaining menstrual hygiene.

As we marked World Menstrual Hygiene Day, a Fiji Country Gender Assessment highlights these women and girls face difficulty due to the lack of the availability of sanitary products and the high costs of such items.

Minister for Women and Children, Lynda Tabuya says this situation must change, as affordability should never be a hindrance to accessing menstrual products.

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Tabuya says the government is dedicated to supporting the menstrual health and hygiene needs of all women and girls in Fiji.

She adds they have allocated resources to provide sanitary pads in schools, addressing the financial barriers faced by adolescent girls.

Furthermore, the Minister says they are continuing to remove the VAT on sanitary pads, ensuring they are accessible and affordable for everyone.

Tabuya states it is critical that all Fijian women and girls have the knowledge and resources to understand their bodies and make informed decisions and choices.