
Public urged to practice simple hygiene practices

January 23, 2019 5:03 pm

The public is urged to use separate tissues or towels to clean their eyes and practise simple hygiene.

Colonial War Memorial Hospital’s Head of Ophthalmology, Dr. Shereen Ali says there have been cases where people use one hand towel to wipe various parts of their body including their infected eyes.

Dr. Ali says with several viral conjunctivitis cases recorded around the country, Fijians need to take the necessary precautions.

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“You can use simple antiseptic protect soap and wash your hands. You don’t need to expensive materials to use on your hands. Just clean tap water to wash your eyes and your face is good enough. Using a roll of clean tissue paper to wipe your eye throw it away and use another one to wipe the other eye.”

Meanwhile, Fijians who have conjunctivitis or cika are being urged to avoid going to public places especially work and school for a few days.

The Health Ministry says conjunctivitis is usually a mild and self-limiting infection but is highly contagious.