
French Commander extends support to RFMF

May 4, 2024 11:50 am

[Source: RFMF/Facebook]

The Commander of the French Armed Forces in New Caledonia has extended his assistance to the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, aiming to facilitate various opportunities for them.

General Yann Latil says they are ready to explore opportunities where the French Armed Forces can assist.

General Latil says they are providing training in areas where they think they can offer their support, particularly in preparing Fijian soldiers for deployment.

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“We can propose adapted courses where necessary when you have to prepare some soldiers for operations.”

General Latil says the training can be offered according to the needs of the RFMF.

“It’s possible to ask French forces for a specific course or specific training; we are ready for that.”

He adds that they hope a major breakthrough will be achieved that will enable the Fiji military to share knowledge and information.