
Gavoka takes charge of crucial ministries

January 24, 2024 12:45 pm

Education Ministry PS Selina Kuruleca (left), Deputy Prime Minister Viliame Gavoka

Deputy Prime Minister Viliame Gavoka has taken charge of three significant government ministries namely Education, Civil Aviation and Tourism.

The Social Democratic Liberal Party Leader affirms that managing these ministries will pose no challenge, citing the support of two Permanent Secretaries, Selina Kuruleca and Salaseini Dunabuna.

The Prime Minister had officially announced Gavoka’s appointment as the new Education Minister succeeding Aseri Radrodro in yesterday’s gazette.

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Gavoka has already held discussions with Kuruleca and senior managers at the Education Ministry expressing confidence in overseeing all three ministries.

“I’d like to assure the country that education is in good hands, a very strong team here that has been performing brilliantly for our people over the last year or so. It is the beginning of the school year. And my immediate focus was to talk to the team and get an update on where we are, and we are scheduled to be ready for 2024.”

Gavoka emphasizes his assurance in leading the three ministries, a sentiment echoed by Education Ministry Permanent Secretary Selina Kuruleca.

“So we’ve started doing that, we’ve had our first meeting with the Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and the new Minister for Education, the Honorable Gavoka with our senior managers just getting ready for school as you are well aware that the priority for us at the Ministry of Education ensuring that our children are ready.”

Kuruleca adds that teacher postings have been finalized and the Ministry is prepared to welcome students back to school next week.