
TSLS signs MOA with renowned NZ universities

September 22, 2023 11:06 am

TSLS Chief Executive Dr Hasmukh Lal, University of Canterbury Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific Professor Steven Ratuva. [Source: Supplied]

The Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service has signed two Letter of Agreements with two renowned universities in New Zealand.

TSLS Chief Executive Dr Hasmukh Lal says the MOAs with the University of Canterbury and University of Waikato will ensure pastoral care, learning support and overall student well-being for Fijian students.

Lal says it is a proud moment to sign the agreement to sponsor students through the Fiji Government Overseas scholarship scheme, administered by TSLS.

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[Source: Supplied]

Fiji-born academic and University of Canterbury Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific Professor Steven Ratuva says he will work closely with the International Office to look after Fijian students at the university.

He adds that the University of Canterbury provides the right study environment for Pacific students to succeed in their studies.

Waikato Vice-Chancellor Professor Neil Quigley acknowledged TSLS and the Fijian Government for the collaboration, saying the university regularly expands the programmes it offers, with the development of a new nursing program for undergraduate and graduate entry.

Meanwhile, Lal says students will be given scholarships in national priority areas, which are not offered in Fiji.

TSLS has existing arrangements with the University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology and Massey University.

The TSLS CEO says from next year, Masters and Ph.D by research scholarships will be for New Zealand-based universities.