
International trade is vital: Cian

April 10, 2024 6:08 am

[File Photo]

International trade plays a crucial role in the economic development of all countries, and even more so in the Pacific Island countries, especially Fiji.

European Union Delegation to the Pacific, Head of Cooperation Maurizio Cian, says trade is important not only on the export side but also on the import side.

Cian says exports provide market opportunities and currency inflows, which are vital for the economy.

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According to the EU Head of Cooperation, exports are more challenging compared to imports.

“This is why the European Union is supporting the Safe project implemented in cooperation with SPC, which intends to strengthen the capabilities of Pacific island countries to comply with regulatory obligations such as biosecurity, sanitary, and phytosanitary measures.”

He adds that the EU, through its Safe Agricultural Trade Facilitation through Economic Integration in the Pacific project, focuses on improving access to exports, strengthening sustainable product value chains, and market certification.

The SAFE project is an EU-funded project under its Pacific Regional Integration Support program.