
Drug test and strict measures to continue

December 11, 2023 12:30 pm

The Boxing Commission of Fiji reaffirms its commitment to maintaining a drug-free sport.

Commission Chair Adi Narayan says after the controversies surrounding local boxers Ratu Rakuro Daunivavana and Ronald Naidu for positive drug tests, work is being undertaken to ensure it does not happen again.

Narayan adds leniency will also not be granted to boxers who breach the zero-drugs policy.

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“Rakuro has been given a chance doesn’t mean we will allow this situation to other boxers as well. Rakuro’s manager made a case to us as well after going to social media and all over the place he was not getting anything, challenging the results and everything which we are not going to delve into because that has been done by the professional people, we have no authority to talk on that but what I’m saying here is the board has been so considerate on Rakuro’s case so we didn’t take this lightly. These boxers have a future ahead.”

Narayan says should there be other similar cases involving banned substances, local boxers will be dealt with accordingly, with hefty fines and suspension for serious offenses.