
TLTB invests abroad

April 23, 2024 6:24 am

[File Photo]

The iTaukei Land Trust Board has recently embarked on a significant step by venturing into investments abroad.

According to Chief Executive Solomoni Nata, TLTB initially focused on local investments through avenues such as the Fijian Holdings Unit Trust, Commercial Banks, and other investment opportunities.

Nata revealed that TLTB has partnered with a company in Australia to facilitate the international investment initiative.

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“We have already invested $1 million Australian dollars, equivalent to $2 million Fijian dollars, marking the beginning of a new start into overseas investments.”

TLTB Chief Executive Solomoni Nata

The move to invest abroad is expected to yield greater profits for TLTB and its landowners, thereby enhancing the organization’s ability to provide improved services.

This strategic decision reflects TLTB’s commitment to maximizing returns for landowners while simultaneously strengthening its financial position.