
Telecommunication companies await approval by cabinet

January 31, 2023 4:40 pm

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communications Manoa Kamikamica has given assurance about the government’s commitment to see that mobile networks reach the unreachable.

Kamikamica confirms having a meeting with Telecommunication companies where he assures support by the government.

Telecommunications companies have been paying a fee to the government called the Universal Service Obligations, and while most of them are hoping it will be returned to operators, the Deputy Prime Minister says it is on the agenda.

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“That money is not going to be sitting there idle. Once cabinet approves what we do with the money, we will certainly move ahead and ensure the last mile or the unreached service in terms of communications, and that’s something I’m keen to look at and try and resolve as well.”

Companies like Digicel Fiji have welcomed the move and are awaiting a result from the cabinet that will allow them to expand their service.