
SPC and Denmark sign multi-million dollar climate pact

December 5, 2023 4:06 pm

The Pacific Community and Denmark have signed an agreement that will provide over $10 million to support Pacific countries to respond to the adverse impacts of climate change.

This funding will support climate-induced loss and damage and support the response to both economic and non-economic impacts in the region.

Denmark Climate Ambassador, Tomas Anker Christensen, and SPC’s Deputy Director-General Science and Capability, Dr Paula Vivili signed the agreement at an event on Loss and Damage at the Moana Pavilion in Dubai.

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The signing bolsters the partnership between the Pacific and Denmark after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in Suva, in April by the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy.

The funding of over $10m underscores the collaborative spirit between the Pacific region and Denmark, aimed at enhancing the region’s resilience and fortifying adaptive measures against climate change’s impact.

This signing showcases Denmark’s dedication and shared responsibility with SPC to build a sustainable future for vulnerable Pacific communities.

The signing comes as global negotiations are ongoing at COP28, where the establishment of a Loss and Damage Fund is a key priority for Pacific nations.

At COP28 both Pacific and Danish Leaders are continuing to call for greater ambition to limit global emissions to 1.5 degrees of warming, embodying the collaborative approaches needed to address the immensity of the existential crisis of the climate emergency.