
Singh announces Sugarcane Growers Council election

January 14, 2024 4:28 pm

Minister for Sugar, Charan Jeath Singh, has confirmed the upcoming Sugarcane Growers Council election, signaling a commitment to revitalize democratic processes within the sugar industry.

The minister shared the progress made so far, including the submission of initial papers to the cabinet, which has been endorsed.

Singh says currently, the Solicitor General’s office is providing legal advice on the structure of the Growers Council.

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“We are going through the Solicitor General’s office for some legal advice as to what form of the Growers Council we will have.”

Singh outlined the current representation, with two members each from Labasa Cane Producers Associations (LCPA) areas, along with two commissioners for the northern and western regions.

Janendra Kumar from Ba was appointed as the new chair of the Growers Council Board with immediate effect.

Singh expressed confidence in Kumar’s ability to lead, considering his stature as a significant grower in the industry.

“We’d like to bring democracy back into the Growers Council as well. And we will have Growers representatives elected from each district before the end of the year.”

Singh says the move towards a Growers Council election reflects the government’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and grassroots participation within the sugar sector.

He adds that as legal advice is sought and the election policy takes shape, stakeholders anticipate a renewed and strengthened Sugarcane Growers Council that truly represents the interests of growers across the districts.