The Pacific Community’s Principal Strategic Lead for Pacific Women and Girls, Mereseini Rakuita, presents a challenge to young girls to bridge the gender disparity in the maritime sector.
Speaking at an event that aims to encourage children to consider a career in the maritime sector, Rakuita addresses the gender disparity in the industry.
She highlighted the changing mindset and growing interest of girls and women in becoming successful in male-dominated fields.
The former Minister for Women says she sees no reason why females cannot thrive in the maritime sector.
“There’s more men than women; that’s great, but imagine if every girl had the opportunity to also be on that ship, going out into the sea.”
The “Adopt a Ship” program targets over 700 schools.
The initiative is designed to promote collaboration, cultural exchange, and support for maritime operations in the Pacific, providing education benefits for all children to explore careers in the maritime industry.