
Muaivuso villagers welcome water assistance

February 2, 2023 12:17 pm

Villagers of Muaivuso in the Vanua of Navakavu today welcomed the commissioning of the Muaivuso Water Security Project.

The project was officiated by the Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Sakiasi Ditoka, and cost $52,461.

Ditoka acknowledged the United Nations Development Program’s Governance for Resilience in the Pacific (Gov4Res) project for its assistance in implementing the project.

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He says the project was initiated to address intermittent water supply in the area and residents had to rely heavily on water carting from the Water Authority of Fiji.

The Muaivuso Water Security Project consists of four communal storage tanks with a total capacity of 36,400 litres and five distribution points throughout the village.

The project will cater to more than 167 people in 43 households in the village.