
Indigenous people were disadvantaged claims chief

February 29, 2024 4:46 pm

The Great Council of Chiefs was ruined by the previous government destroying the hopes of the iTaukei.

This was claimed by Naitasiri Province’s paramount Chief Turaga na Qaranivalu Ratu Inoke Takiveikata who says while serving his term behind bars, he has seen the Ill treatment of the chiefs who are members of the GCC.

He says the GCC is the highest level meeting that approves all iTaukei-related matters and needs to be up and running at the same time practice good governance for the sake of the iTaukei and those that call Fiji their home.

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He says he is sitting in this year observing all the agenda of the meeting as everything seems new given that he was serving in a jail term for 13 years.

“I have been serving my time in prison for 13 years and I feel that the iTaukei people were left out following the abolishment of the GCC. The GCC highlights the needs of the iTaukei and this needs to be addressed.”

The Turaga Qaranivalu says the re-establishment of the GCC ushered in a new era for the iTaukei people.

The Naitasiri paramount chief was amongst those who were released from prison following a pardon by the President late last year.