
IMO opens regional office in Suva

March 20, 2024 6:55 am

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The International Maritime Organization has announced the establishment of a Regional Presence Office in Suva to cater to the needs of countries and territories in the Pacific Islands region.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez and the Minister for Public Works, Meteorological Services and Transport Ro Filipe Tuisawau at the IMO Headquarters in London formalizing the agreement.

The new office will focus on supporting maritime needs and priorities in the Pacific Islands region, aligning with national and regional development policies.

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It will offer guidance on key maritime issues such as training, safety, security, legislation, and marine environment protection.

The office will also actively engage in implementing IMO’s technical cooperation framework.

Speaking about the significance of the office, Minister Ro Filipe emphasized its role in addressing crucial challenges including the provision of efficient inter-island shipping services to ensure the safety of Pacific residents.

He highlights the office’s assistance in helping Pacific Member States adhere to global standards for ships and compliance issues related to energy efficiency, safety equipment and maintenance of safety systems in line with IMO standards.

The move comes as Pacific Island governments stress the importance of creating more opportunities in the maritime sector particularly for young people by offering certification for seafarers and expanding employment prospects.