
Heads of Schools warned of leptospirosis outbreak

June 21, 2023 8:49 am

[File Photo]

The management of various schools has been warned to beware of a leptospirosis outbreak, as one person has died after contracting the virus.

In a circular to schools this week, Acting Permanent Secretary for Education Timoci Bure is pleading with Heads of Schools to be proactive and take the necessary measures to ensure the outbreak is controlled.

Bure says 29 cases recorded have been recorded so far this year, with the numbers not likely to slow down.

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Heads of Schools are told to expect the attendance of students and teachers affected in Kadavu and Eastern Division.

They have been told to refer cases to the nearest health centres and carefully brief staff and students on the magnitude of the outbreak as soon as possible.

Late presentation in hospitals is a major challenge for the Ministry of Health.