
Cuvu settlement residents to receive lease titles

February 12, 2024 10:57 am

[File Photo]

Residents of the Cuvu Settlement in Sigatoka will receive their long-awaited lease titles this year marking a significant milestone for 105 households.

The Ministry of Housing says to ensure accessibility and inclusivity, application letters will be hand-delivered directly to each household within the Cuvu settlement from this Saturday.

It says this approach eliminates potential barriers faced by residents who may lack access to online resources or traditional communication channels.

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The Ministry will be establishing a temporary base in Cuvu for two weekends to provide direct support in completing and collecting application forms.

It says they have a transparent process that ensure fairness and adherence to established criteria outlined in the Lot Allocation Policy and that successful applicants will then receive official offer letters in July marking a pivotal moment in their journey towards securing land ownership.