
Ministry focuses on economic diversification

January 18, 2024 4:16 pm

[File Photo]

The Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, and SMEs is focused on economic diversification.

Therefore, Minister Manoa Kamikamica says they have noted that micro, small, and medium enterprises are the leading forces driving this agenda.

Speaking during the launch of the SME conference, Kamikamica highlighted that they are working on improving the business environment by commencing work on alternative finance such as crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending.

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Trade for Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs 

He adds that they will be going to Cabinet over the next few months on the MSME Strategic Development Plan to integrate the entire MSME ecosystem and the MSME Bill.

“We are focused on economic diversification, and we see SMEs as a leading force in driving this agenda. That is why we are working on improving the business environment by focusing on alternative financing such as crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending.

Kamikamica also highlighted that the first SME conference that will be held in March is designed to ensure that each participant will take away some key learning tools and progressively grow their business.

He adds that there are about 30,000 registered SMEs in the country, and they make up about 82 per cent of the businesses in Fiji.

The SME conference is set to take place on the 7th and 8th of March in Suva.