Rugby League

Break vital for Silktails

May 23, 2024 7:42 am

Fiji Airways Kaiviti Silktails head coach Wes Naiqama says the team continues to put pressure on themselves as they approach the halfway mark of the Jersey Flegg Cup competition.

The team, currently winless, has played 11 games and missed one due to unplayable ground conditions at Prince Charles Park in Nadi.

Naiqama says they had a much-needed break over the weekend with a bye, and it’s always great to see them return with high spirits.

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“We had a bye and it came in at a really good time, I mean we have had a tough season so far – our first year in Jersey Flegg. We have put a lot of effort into these games and the results have not been going our way. So after our game with the Raiders, we sent the boys home for a week off. It’s a pretty good time for the boys to spend with their family and loved ones.”

He says the team is determined to do their best in this week’s game as their hunt for a first win continues.

The Silktails play Newcastle on Saturday.