
RFMF personnel depart for peacekeeping duties

January 17, 2024 12:30 pm

[Source: RFMF/ Facebook]

Brigadier General Manoa Gadai, Commander of the Joint Task Force, bid farewell to 82 personnel from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces who are embarking on a crucial peacekeeping mission under the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq .

Brigadier-General Gadai underscored the significance of the mission and the pivotal role the Fijian peacekeepers would play in fostering stability and peace in Iraq.

He addressed the departing troops, emphasizing the importance of maintaining discipline and upholding the high standards of the RFMF.

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[Source: RFMF/ Facebook]

He went on to express his confidence in the capabilities and dedication of the Fijian peacekeepers, acknowledging the sacrifices they make to contribute to global peace and security.

Brigadier-General Gadai extended his heartfelt best wishes for a successful and safe mission.

He acknowledged the challenges the peacekeepers might encounter but encouraged them to face these challenges with resilience and unity.

The RFMF contingent, equipped with training and experience, will be part of the UNAMI mission, working collaboratively with international partners to support Iraq in its pursuit of peace, stability, and development.