
Fiji eyes Canadian market for trade opportunities

June 7, 2024 4:13 pm

[File Photo]

The Ministry of Trade is currently focusing on the Canadian market for trade opportunities.

Minister Manoa Kamikamica says that with over 125,000 Fijians residing in Canada, there is significant potential for investment as well.

During his visit to Canada last month, he stated that successful Fijian businessmen are showing interest in investing back in the country in various sectors.

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He says that to enhance their engagement, talks are underway for Canada to open an embassy in Fiji.

“We spent a lot of time trying to talk to them, to excite them about Fiji, and Fiji is now a true democracy. You can come back and set up a business. There are some very successful millionaires, our people, in Canada. And Canada is almost like Australia.”

Kamikamica also emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with the Fijian diaspora to secure future investment and trade opportunities.