
Wainiyavu village thrives on agriculture as main income source

February 26, 2024 7:09 am

Wainiyavu village in Namosi province relies heavily on farming as its primary source of income, ensuring a sustainable livelihood for its residents.

Village Headman Suliano Naborisi highlighted the dedication of families in the village to farming activities, utilizing their land to produce various commodities such as yaqona, dalo, lemon, and vegetables.

“We have our own land where we do our farming, and some of us walk miles to reach our farms, showing our commitment to land utilization.”

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Petero Veremalumu, a village farmer, noted that some individuals spend extended periods at their farmhouses to effectively cultivate their land, with a bag of dalo fetching $200 and some selling up to 3 bags weekly.

Labereto Raidola, a 50-year-old farmer, explained that while some villagers have local markets, others transport their produce to Navua or Suva markets for sale.

Wainiyavu village’s dedication to agriculture showcases its reliance on farming for income generation and sustenance, reflecting the community’s commitment to utilizing its land effectively.