
WAF struggles to provide water carting services to certain communities

April 12, 2023 12:27 pm

The Water Authority is facing challenges in delivering water carting services to communities affected by prolonged water cuts and intermittent supply in the Lami-Suva-Nausori corridor.

This is according to WAF General Manager Customer Services, Sekove Uluinayau, in response to questions from FBC News.

Despite water carting being free of charge during disruptions, WAF states they are unable to provide water carting services to some rural communities due to road conditions and limited access.

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“We divide it into clusters like we know the areas that are impacted and so trucks are signed into clusters based on the impacted areas and for some customers they call in to request to get trucks to refill their water tanks and also other vessels.”

WAF Chief Executive, Amit Chanan.

WAF Chief Executive, Amit Chanan emphasizes that obtaining water from alternative sources is also proving to be difficult.

“We do go out from the Suva-Nausori system from Rewa and Korovou and also from Navua so it’s not just filling from the Suva-Nausori system, we do go out and get water and this is takes time so it sometimes frustrates people but what we are doing is get water from outside the system hard to get it from the same system at times.”

WAF is urging Fijians to conserve water as the prolonged dry spell is expected to continue for an extended period.

To improve efficiency, the Authority has divided water trucks into clusters for delivery to affected areas, but challenges persist in reaching some communities due to road conditions.

The situation remains concerning, and WAF is urging Fijians to conserve water and remain vigilant about ongoing water cuts in the affected areas.