
Villagers dissatisfied with government officials absence

May 16, 2024 12:16 pm

Residents of Rewa’s Vutia District voiced dissatisfaction with government officials’ absence from a talanoa session held last Friday in Vutia by the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission.

Turaga ni Koro of Muana-ira village in Rewa Eremasi Balekaba highlighted the absence of key officials, including Minister for Public Works Ro Filipe Tuisawau and Water Authority of Fiji CEO, Dr. Amit Chanan.

The talanoa session was intended for residents to discuss longstanding water issues with the officials.

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Balekaba emphasizes that without the presence of policymakers and decision-makers, the session was deemed pointless in addressing the community’s concerns.

“I was listening to the discussion. It is pointless because it will not bring any change. We need policymakers, we need decision-makers who can implement changes. That is what we need to solve the problem we have been facing”

Balekaba stated that the water supply in Vutia was irregular, claiming that employees of the Water Authority in Rewa would shut off the water on unusual days, but that this would only intensify pressure in response to a government official’s visit to the Rewa Delta.

In response, WAF Design Engineer Semisi Nakavulevu explained that the water pressure in the Rewa delta fluctuates due to the high population, especially during peak hours when water usage is at its highest.