
Talks on future of Ratu Cakobau Park ongoing

September 24, 2023 7:06 am

Ratu Cakobau Park

The future of Ratu Cakobau Park as a sporting venue will only be determined once the ongoing discussion is finalized.

Currently, the Yavusa o Vunivivi, which hold the landowning rights to this, are engaged in discussions with the iTaukei Trust Fund Board to explore potential projects and upgrades aimed at enhancing sporting facility capital projects that could prove beneficial not only to their community but also for generations to come.

Jese Qalirewa, a member of Mataqali Nailagobokola and one of the three custodians, says that they have their sights set on various development initiatives and capital projects at the venue.

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“Ratu Cakobau Park is built on the three mataqali’s from Yavusa Vunivivi, and at the moment, we are having talks with aspiring partners to fund the new Ratu Cakobau complex. There have already been plans provided for the landowner concerns, and at the moment they are still having discussions and nothing has been finalized yet.”

Meanwhile the Nausori Town Council Chief Executive Anurashika Bari say she is eagerly awaiting an offer from the TLTB to grant a lease renewal in order to upgrade to the facility.

“The further development will be dependent on the renewal of the lease so currently we are for the TLTB to come back to us with an offer and to see where we can take it from here. But we are looking positively to see how we can maintain that and further develop it and keep it as a sporting facility.”

Bari says Ratu Cakobau Park’s current land lease is set to expire in five years, and both parties are deeply committed to serving the people of Nausori and preserving its legacy as a sporting landmark.