
Public consultation for pay increase

May 29, 2024 7:36 pm

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has released a statement saying he is listening to the views aired by the people since Parliament passed the motion to increase the salary and allowances of Members of Parliament including the Speaker and the President last week.

Rabuka stressed that the pay rise cannot be effected until budget process is completed.

He says due processes have to be followed before increases can be authorised which include amendments to the Parliamentary Remunerations Act of 2014.

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He says a Bill to amend the Parliamentary Remunerations Act 2014 will be prepared by the Solicitor General’s Office, and it will undergo public consultations and independent review, before it is considered by Cabinet and Parliament.

He adds that members of the public can have their say on the Bill once it is ready and released for consultation. Therefore, I encourage the public to be objective in their assessment.

The Prime Minister says that at this stage it is premature to comment on the proposals from the Emoluments Committee.

He states that there are a number of factors that will be considered by Cabinet before the Bill is presented to Parliament, one of the important determinants is the availability of funding to meet the associated expenditure on the motion passed by Parliament.

He says based on this premise, the government will consider options available to minimise the impact of the increase to the national budget.

He further says that with regard to the MOUs’ establishing the Coalition Government, that is a matter between the Parties, and will be discussed between the Parties, at their discretion.

He also acknowledged the comments that are being made by the public as people have the right to do so.

Rabuka further highlighted the role of the media in reporting freely saying thus is a sign of democracy in action, where members of the public have their say and the media reports freely.