
Minister encourages resource owners to maximize utilization of land

January 24, 2024 5:44 am

Minister for Fisheries Kalaveti Ravu

Minister for Fisheries Kalaveti Ravu has emphasized the need for resource owners to tap into and maximize utilization of the available resources they have inland and offshore for their daily sustenance.

He highlighted this during his tour in Kadavu.

Ravu says the Ministry will support resource owners so that they can cultivate their land for immediate, short-, medium-, and long-term returns, including providing them with fishing equipment.

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He says apart from cash crops, they have also advised them about entering into the maritime pine planting schemes funded by the government so that they can earn more money not only from the land but also from the sea.

The Minister stressed that this is also a way to keep villagers occupied by earning honest money without engaging in any illegal activities such as marijuana cultivation.

He also highlighted the Ministry’s plans for maritime zones, as they target resource owners to be able to fully realize the potential available around them.