
Media freedom important to fight corruption

July 29, 2023 7:46 am

One of the pressing challenges faced by the media in the Pacific and around the world is a lack of freedom.

Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser at the Pacific UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Marie Pegie Cauchois, says in some countries in the Pacific there is control or censorship of media content.

She adds that the media is a catalyst for transparency and accountability, and it fosters public participation as corruption is multi-dimensional and requires a multi-perspective approach to understanding and solving it.

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Speaking at the 2023 Pacific Anti-Corruption Regional Conference, Cauchois stressed that the restriction obstructs the ability of journalists to investigate and report corruption freely.

“The fear reprisal including harassment, legal actions and this limit journalists to expose corrupt practices and hold the perpetrators to account. One of the other challenge they face and this is really prevalent in the Pacific is the inadequate resources. How much is allocated to them and how much can they get.”

Cauchois further states that the geographical barrier also remains a challenge for Pacific journalists because of the limited connectivity and the fact that the islands are scattered around.

Over the past two years, the media has reported on over 600 corruption related stories.

According to Cauchois, the media acts as a bridge between the government and the public, providing citizens with essential information that will help them make informed decisions.