106 arrests, social gatherings top the list

April 15, 2020 12:35 pm

[Source: Fiji Police Force]

106 arrests were made in the last 24 hours with 88 taken in custody for social gathering breach.

The Northern Division recorded thirty-nine of the 88 arrests while the Eastern Division recorded 20 cases, West and South had thirteen cases each and the Central Division recorded three arrests.

Curfew breaches accounted for eighteen arrests, with the East recording eleven, five in the South and two in the Western Division.

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Of the 106 arrests made, fourteen were juveniles who breached both curfew and social gathering restrictions.

Police Commissioner Brigadier General Sitiveni Qiliho says social gatherings continue to be a concern.

He reiterated the Prime Minister’s message that physical distancing is the only strategy proven to beat COVID-19 and everyone needs to stop the unnecessary social gatherings or find themselves behind bars.

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