Current Supreme Court Judge Justice David Ashton-Lewis who is leading the inquiry into the appointment of the FICAC Commissioner says he is pleased with the today’s proceedings.
Commissioner Ashton Lewis admits there were tough questions as this was also stated by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka.
Ashton Lewis says the hearing will continue until 16th as they now have 34 witnesses.
“It will go until the 16th of January. We have 34 witnesses now and some witnesses go through quickly and some don’t. So we just have to take it as it comes.”
Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka was the first witness today.
Meanwhile, Supervisor of Elections Ana Mataiciwa was also seen coming out of the court premises today.
FICAC Commissioner Barbara Malimali who is being represented by lawyer Tanya Waqanika was leaving the court premises as well.
Waqanika confirms that she is representing Malimali however has refused to make any comments.