
Broken families need support as well: Kiran

November 28, 2023 5:26 am

[File Photo]

Not all children receive the love, care, and protection they need this was highlighted by Assistant Minister Sashi Kiran at the Multi Sectorial Approaches to Mental Health and Psycho-social Support for the Pacific workshop held yesterday.

She stressed that many single mothers and children from broken families, parents who are moving to work in other places, are leaving their children with relatives.

The workshop aimed to foster collaborative efforts and multisectoral approaches to address mental health and psychosocial support challenges in the Pacific.

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Kiran emphasizes the importance of taking opportunities to drive real change upon their return to their respective countries and workplaces.

The Assistant Minister emphasized that the broader challenges faced by children across the Pacific region include parental mobility, separation from their parents, climate change, exposure to violence, online abuse, and limited access to services.

She also urged participants at the workshop to reflect on their own childhood experiences

Kiran says the urgency of tackling issues related to domestic violence and childhood adversity while urging stakeholders to unite in creating impactful solutions for the well-being of women and children across the region.