
Student athletes have the freedom of choice

September 30, 2023 10:01 am

Student athletes selected for the Pacific Games squad facing exam date conflicts can either remain to complete their exams or receive a compassionate assessment mark.

FASANOC has sent a letter of request to the Ministry of Education, and negotiations are ongoing between the two parties under the current examination assessment, and students affected also have a choice.

Permanent Secretary for Education Selina Kuruleca says they fully support the students participating in the Pacific Games.

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“We totally support the talent of our young people, we totally support their participation at the games, we wish them well, we have also advised on examinations and how some of these children will be caught during that examination period, we’re in negotiations right now under the current examination assessment we offer compassionate passes or compassionate assessment which is the average mark.”

Permanent Secretary for Education Selina Kuruleca

Kuruleca confirms that about four students will be affected, and they will need to rely on their aggregate mark if they choose to participate.

“For a student to sit a completely new exam – is not possible so we have a process for students who are unable to for whatever reason attend an examination they will be provided with a compassionate assessment mark.”

Parents and participating students now have decision-making power regarding their course of action.

The Pacific Games is scheduled to take place from November 19th to December 2nd.