Rugby League

Silktails ready to impress home crowd today

March 16, 2024 7:29 am

[Source: Kaiviti Silktails Rugby League Football Club/Facebook]

The Kaiviti Silktails are all set to run out in front of their home crowd today.

Head coach, Wes Naiqama asserts that the players have been looking forward to this moment and are fully prepared for it.

He also says they aim to improve this week, following their loss to the Wests Tigers last weekend.

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“Like I’ve said previously, we will get better every week. We are nowhere near our potential. We had a big turnover of players. We didn’t really get the trial matches as we wanted going in to it. Every team had one or two trial matches and we just sort of went straight into it which is out of our control and we aren’t making any excuses but we will definitely get better every week.”

Naiqama adds that they are hoping to work on their set-pieces, as this is one area where they are still lacking.

The Silktails and South Sydney Rabbitohs will clash at 12 pm today at Churchill Park in Lautoka.

You can also watch it LIVE on the FBC Sports HD Channel.