
Hill stops Wright in 8th round

May 19, 2024 6:54 am

Winston “The Real Deal” Hill maintained his unbeaten streak by stopping Australian fighter Jyl Wright in the 8th round via TKO, during the South Pacific Boxing Promotions at Prince Charles Park.

Hill, known for his fast, powerful punches and relentless style, proved too much for Wright, who entered the ring with four consecutive victories.

From the outset, both went at it as they tested each others punches.

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Wright, though resilient and determined, struggled to keep up with Hill’s aggressive pace.

The end came in the 8th round when the referee stepped in to stop the fight.

Other fights also saw James Singh secured a TKO victory over Jonasa Kavika in the 4th round.

In a highly anticipated match for the Fiji light heavyweight title, Paul Ratumaikoro emerged victorious by knocking out Apisai Naqica in the 2nd round.

New Zealand-based Ratu Dawai knocked out Isekel Senidoko while Ubayd Haider claimed victory over Krishnil Mudaliar when the doctor stopped the fight due to a severe gash on Mudaliar’s head.

In another another bout King Davidson knocked out Kolinio Luvelolo in the 6th round.