
Stability of the RFMF guarantees national stability: Tikoduadua

February 2, 2023 5:04 pm

The Minister of Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua reassured the Commander that he would support the institution within the principles of the rule of law.

The Minister of Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua, reassured the Republic of Fiji Military Commander that he would support the institution within the principles of the rule of law.

This was during the traditional welcoming ceremony accorded him at Queen Elizabeth barrack.

Tikoduadua and the RFMF were in a controversial situation earlier this year following the statement of the commander, but the event today marks a new beginning for the military and its line ministry.

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“Thank you Commander – thank you for giving Fiji the liberty to have the government it voted for – if not I can’t imagine the outcome of that move. I thank the officers for remaining firm.”

Tikoduadua served as a colonel in the RFMF before entering politics, and he reminded the military that Fiji needs them during this challenging period of transition.

“I’m speaking in relation to the laws and parliamentary democracy and the constitution that binds all of us regardless of our various roles and responsibilities. This means no one is above the law.”

The military has had close relations in Fiji’s political ecosystem since Fiji gained her independence.

He says the stability of the military guarantees the stability of the nation.